Tuesday, 15 April 2008


Once again we see the true colour's of our labour Government.

They send our brave troops to a fight in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN often without the proper equipment expect them to put their lives on the line every day then fail to look after them if they should be injured or die.

But our caring wonderful political correct Labour government Pay a Iraq boy who was Injured accidentally by a British soldier £2000,000 yes 2 Million Pounds.

Yet our own Soldiers who get Killed or Injured get a maximum of £250,000 if they are lucky and usually have to fight for every penny.

Is not about time we sent a very strong message to them that enough is enough neglecting our own and pampering to every one else.

You can send this message on MAY 1st by using your vote and vote for change.

Monday, 14 April 2008


Once again our devious underhanded local labour activists take control of our local community groups.

They are so paranoid of loosing control and having to answer to you the tax payers they will go to any length to take control of the community.

By high jacking local community groups set up originally by hard working local people who have their local area's and community's dear to their harts.

Meadows Community Partnership

This group was set up around 4 years ago by a small dedicated team of local residents with the help of Independent Councillor Caven Vines.

This group slowly under the chairmanship of Local resident Mrs Carol Dobson
raised funds to put on two community fun days for the residents of Meadowbank, and the rest of the Meadows Community area.

They drew down funding for security devises for the older residents of Cain Gardens. This together with drawing upon Objective 1 funding to bring childcare to the area through the local school at Kimberworth.

They also had a representative on the Housing Path finder project which was to decide what was required to be built on Shrewsbury Terrace. This linked to the Consultation the Partnership did with the local people on the needs of future housing in the Meadowbank area.

From this the overwhelming view of the local community was to see affordable rented two bedroom bungalows built on the site so that people who had a need for such accommodation would not have to move from the area they lived with their families close by.

But this did not meet with the labour Controlled Councils plan so they altered the rules so that the chosen Representative from the Meadows could not attend the meetings. The local labour councillors then devised a plan to take over control of the group. By turning up at the annual general meeting with labour activists who had never been near the place before and out voted the hard working group . and Guess who they put in the chair?

Yes their chosen Labour Candidate Cath Sims. So now they control the community partnership and guess what their is no plans to meet the peoples wishes to provide Bungalows.

Also since they have taken control no funding has been obtained and not one activity has been carried out . All they want is to control the area not do anything for you the community.

Local area assembly they decided that they needed a person to Represent the Community in North Rotherham. so who do they make sure gets voted on a Ian Jones the Chair of the Richmond Park Tara Group and one of the Sponsors of Yes you got it Cath Sims the Labour Candidate

you really must ask your self just who do these so called community representatives really represent one thing is for sure Its NOT YOU.

and we thought Communism was dead

Friday, 4 April 2008


Is this the reason we have to pay inflation busting council tax increases so we can ensure record profits for these private company's running our council services.

  • Schools Built by private companies (at what cost to the tax payer)
  • But at what cost to the tax payer Private companies work to make a profit
  • Why can't the council build and run the schools then they would save the profit
  • they are paying these companies and reduce the council tax.

  • Waste collection By private companies (at what cost to the tax payer)
  • Now they only collect the waste every two weeks and will not take extra waste in bags
  • How much do the actually recycle how much of the Green bin content goes to landfill
  • How much extra is it costing you the tax payer for this reduced service.

  • Grass cutting and park maintenance By private companies ( at what cost to the tax payer)
  • We only have to look around at the state of the Grass cutting and the state of the flower beds that's if you can find any. Most of our parks have been funded by local community groups with the council taking up to 10% fee from the funding then not maintaining the equipment then trying to claim the credit at election times when it was Local People working hard for free Groups such as Friends of Bradgate Park who did all the work.

  • Council Tax collection, Purchasing, Call Centre. Plus many more services are run for the Council by RBT ( British Telecom ). But at what cost to you the Tax payer.
  • Just how efficient are these services, are we getting a second rate service.
  • How many times have you rang the call centre but could not get through
  • How efficient are they at collecting the Council Tax, and other services they have taken over.
  • Again is it a case of running on a shoe string to make more profit.
  • Remember private companies don't work for you they work to make a profit for their share holders.
  • We must ask the question why do the Council employ so many highly paid directors of services and department heads when most is contracted out why are they not capable of running the jobs them selves they get paid more than enough to do it.
  • Or is it that the Ruling Labour Group (Labour Councillor's ) are not capable of knowing how to run the show, it makes me wonder. No wonder they keep things secret.
  • If they are so short of money and have to cut services and have to put up our council tax to balance the books.